Leftover Flora pork. Their portions are extremely generous, even regular orders are enough for 2 fun meals. Their food and service has been exceptional as of late.

holiday everyday
Leftover Flora pork. Their portions are extremely generous, even regular orders are enough for 2 fun meals. Their food and service has been exceptional as of late.
….having 10000000000000x more fun than I am.
When will this madness end. Even going to the hallway feels like falling into a Manitoba lake in January, naked, while eating vanilla ice cream. This needs to stop.
I did make a nice and hot bok-choy soup…..with sweet soy. Very nice.
….today. Obviously.
Because of one illiterate clown.
Good luck, everyone.
…now movie night with Ugly as I watch her eat 72% of the WHOLE chicken.
I also need someone to come over and organize my cables..please.
Fine dining bitches.
I am begging you.
The world will celebrate…………the whole world.
OR YOU’LL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is an old saying “more beef, less grief”.
I can’t believe I just said that.
Also new poolside soon. Everything in upheaval.
Not super fancy but fancy enough.
Yes, I bought a massive steak….it was soooo cheap…… BBQ tomorrow.
I’m in a good mood…so why not…..nice pork LIDL sausages for everyone!!!
I made my famous honey, mustard dill dip……but with no dill.
…smokey bacon.
Now it’s time to head home for a lager and BBQ…it’s deliciously mild out today and motorcycling is a super-joy. When summer?
Ugly ate 1.5 packets and can’t move. I had to physically relocate her from the feeding area to sleeping area.
….for 5 hours..drinking beer and talking about cats.
Just cat forts and chillin’ at the coffee shop. I order a small beer and suckle on it for 2 hours like a vagrant. I like it here because it’s cozy and warm and people don’t smell like garbage.
And people say that being religious isn’t a SEVERE form of mental illness/retardation that should require counselling and medication.
“In Bulgarian folk tradition, the holiday is also known by several names, such as Ihtim, Ihtima, Petarovden, or Petlarovden, each linked to the central ritual of rooster sacrifice. In households with male children, a rooster is offered as a sacrificial gift. The ritual is conducted by boys aged 15 to 16, known as the “petelar,” under the condition that they are “sexually pure,” a belief thought to ensure the ritual’s effectiveness. The rooster’s blood is used to draw cross signs on the foreheads of boys, marking them for health throughout the year. Crosses are also marked on doors and gates, with the rooster’s head placed at the east side of the gate for protection against evil forces.”
Disguising…fucking disguising.
(ohh and yes, these fucking idiots use the rooster’s head to “draw” with).